
Peter Grüneberg

Form follows function.

Peter Grüneberg

Thinking outside the box

Welcome to my website! I am Peter Grüneberg, an experienced UX Designer TAE & Media Designer Digital Media IHK with a passion for creative solutions and innovative projects. Since 2006 I have gained diverse experience including websites, CMS, software, product and brand development.

My approach is always "To think, out of the box" to create aesthetically pleasing digital products that also provide a smooth user experience. Let's find innovative solutions together.

18 years of experience with certified degrees and a positive mindset. Much to do...

companies I worked for

A person grows with his tasks

Outline of knowledge based on personal development and interests

  • UX-Design & MockUp's
  • Marketing & product development
  • Analysis, increase in profits & testing's
  • IT project management
  • Mortgage financing, destination marketing & company formations
  • HTML, CSS & front-end development

I operate most CMS and develop tests, landing pages for success monitoring and UX research. My interest are technical solutions, software development, analyzing existing process models and thinking of new target-oriented solutions.

Why the term synusia?

The term was coined in philosophy by Plato's Academy and is considered the forerunner of today's hacker ethics.

The exchange of knowledge with people from all disciplines leads to constructive development in projects, both personally and socially. We humans only get ahead if we help each other.

"You are not just a single person, you belong to a universal whole." - Theodor Fontane

Focus & my passions

  • Application / software design
  • Corporate design & commercials
  • Product development
  • Newsletter marketing
  • Business process model & notation
  • Optimization
  • Research & A/B Testings

Appointments and training

Personal documents which can be supplied in full on request. Passing on and duplication is prohibited..

Get in touch

Feel free to send me any questions by e-mail.